20 JANUARY 1939, page 18

Original Homes

Are local councils afraid that people will insist on living in such places if they are left erect? Doubtless men have been found living in corners of a garage or even less con-......

Country Life

Condemned Cottages The local council recently issued a demolition order in regard to a line of old and very beautiful cottages. They had histori- cal and aesthetic value, and......

Overcrowded Pigeons

The owner of some extensive farms in Berkshire asked me the other day whether there was any danger of his sheep being affected by the presence of hordes of immigrant pigeons.......

In The Garden

One of the best gardeners I ever met—he was a French- man and a master of his craft—used to sow his sweet peas in earth contained by a circle of a broad wooden shaving. These he......

New Roads Or Old

A principle much under discussion at the moment, both by road-makers and preservers of amenities,. is whether it is better, where possible, to enlarge and straighten existing......

Preferential Treatment

A Kent gardener finds difficulty in explaining the behaviour of his birds to his berries. The gardener has a - number of berried hollies. One close against the side of the house......

The Newest Tit

A young naturalist (who came to show me some photo- graphs of South African birds) said that during his three- mile walk he had seen and heard two willow tits, a bird that in......