20 JUNE 1903, Page 26

Macedonian Folk - lore. By G. F. Abbott, B.A. (Cambridge University Press.

9s. net.)—Mr. Abbott's book is the result of some months spent by him in "the Greek-speaking parts of Macedonia" when he held the Prendergast Studentship. We welcome all the outcomings of post-graduate study; the subject of folk-lore has a special suitability. It could hardly be brought into the scope of examination ; yet it is full of importance, which increases immensely as the field of comparison is enlarged. The harvest from any particular country may seem to consist of the merest trifles ; yet when sve find that the trifles can be identified with what other explorers have discovered they have a very different look. How curious, for instance, what we read about the cuckoo ! Wherever he is heard he is greeted with the same diversity of feeling. We shall not attempt to examine or classify the treasures which Mr. Abbott has brought home from South. Eastern Europe. They were gathered not without experiences of the dangers, small and great, that threaten the body-; but they were worth the trouble. The pleasure which any intelligent reader will find in the volume will be much increased by some little acquaintance with the domestic side of ancient Greek life.