20 JUNE 1903, page 17

17 0 The Editor Op Tel "sprotat01.1 Sin, — If In Dr....

letter (Spectator, June 13th) "Church. man" is substituted for "Nonconformist," and " undenomi- nationalism " for "denominationalism," then »Mato 310112i7143 de Le fabula......

I-to The Editor Op Thu 'spectator:']

SIR,—Will you permit me, as a Salisbury Nonconformist, to express my regret at the tone of the references to this city in Dr. R. F. Horton's letter in the Spectator of June 13th......

Passive Resistance.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE “SprerAros.1 SIR,—It was not my intention to intrude further on your space; but your editorial comment on my letter of June 13th compels me to crave your......