20 MARCH 1926, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In a review of my book Issues of European Statesmanship in the Spectator of March 6th, the critic makes the following statement : " We are brought up short by an ugly philological blunder, that sovereignty is derived from the mediaeval Latin word supremitas." I do not profess to be an authority on philology, but since the reviewer seems to attach so great importance to my blunder " I should like to quote the following statement of Sir John Macdonell in the Encyclopaedia Britannica : " The word sovereignty is said to be derived from the mediaeval Latin word supremitas." However, this is a matter of minor importance, and I am glad that the reviewer realized what is the chief object of my book.—I

am, Sir, &c., B. G. DE MONTGOMERY. Peering Bury, Kelvedon, Essex.