20 MARCH 1926, page 30

- Fall In Rfi-gian Franc.

It must he sometime 'since the Foreign Exchange market experienced so sensational a' fall "as 'that which oCOurte'd on Monday 'in Belgian currency. After remaining stationary......

Possible Causes.

Amidst the innumerable rumours circulated, and none of which have yet received confirmation, the following explana- tions are at least plausible, and perhaps even probable. In......

County Of London Electric.

The Report for 1925 is an exceedingly good one,_ the net revenue amounting to £724,000 against £650,000. The capital charges of the company have increased but, owing to the......

- - • - - D.' Ii. Evans's Results.

A feature of -the recent reports of D. II. Evans and Co). is the remarkable steadiness of results: Thus, the net profit for the past year of £131,000 is practically identical......

- • Newcastle Electric.

Another electric supply company which * continues to make progress is the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply, which during the past year has secured profits of £702,000 as com-......