20 MARCH 1926, Page 28

DON Q.—A - magnificent picture, with : Doiigbis Fairbanks as a gay

arid lively Spanish lover. BEGGARS ON HonsEitacic:—An- interesting version of the play: too 'witty for the general public and -too unimaginative for the

particular one. - - - - •


LECTURES Sunday, March 21st, 3.30 p.m.—BETWEEN THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES : BY A COMMERCIALTTHEATRE: MANAGER. By Mr. Basil Dean. One of a course of addresses on " Some Suggested Reforms." tinder the auspices of the Five Quarters. At the- Gui1,4holiSe, Beeleston Square,-S.W. 1. Ttiekiiiy, March 23rd, 8.30 p.m. WHAT IS FASCISM ? By PrOtessor Salvemini. frt the Essex -Hall, Strand. Tickets, price • 108,7, 5a., and special tickets for Students, Is., can be obtained from - Mrs. Oliver Strachey, 42 Qordon Square, W.C. 1, and Mrs. - Russell, 11 St. Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. 3.