20 MARCH 1926, Page 3

The attempts to induce the strikers' at: Messrs. Hoeg factory

in London to return to work have been unceasing. The Amalgamated Engineering Union ordered the strikers to return but on Monday they refused. On Tuesday the Executives of all the unions in . the engineering industry met to discuss the refusal of the employers to consider the claim for a national increase of wages. The unions decided to abandon the national claim and to make district claims. We publish a letter this week explaining why the employers hold to a national agree- ment. We cannot, however, believe that it is worth while to sacrifice the peace of the industry for the difference between national and district agreements. Workers in those firms which are doing very well naturally expect their due share of the prosperity. It was hoped that the decision of all the unions would have some effect upon the Hoe strikers, but on Wednesday the strikers again refused to 'return to work. When we go to press it is still uncertain whether the lockout will be averted.