20 MAY 1911, Page 1

The Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail sent to Mon-

day's paper a statement which Professor Delbriick has made about the proposed Anglo-American Arbitration Treaty. Professor Delbriick is reported to have said :-

"It is simply a piece of diplomatic hypocrisy. It is ridiculous for the United States to talk of peace at this moment when it is about to make a great conquest. I mean the conquest of Mexico. The United States is the greatest conqueror the world has ever known. It is now entering upon a new period of conquests and is creating this peace sentiment for that purpose. It is a clever diplomatic move beyond doubt, but it is a step to conceal greed for more conquests, and a very skilful step. These peace and recipro- city treaties are, I am afraid, preludes of trouble to come. The English Press is growing impossible. There is a real danger in the falsehoods it spreads about Germany."

It is astonishing to us that Professor Delbriick can believe such nonsense. The last thing Americans want to do is to conquer Mexico. So far from wishing for more territory, many of them would like to be rid of the territorial responsi- bilities they acquired in the war of 1898.