20 MAY 1911, page 13

A Phantasm Of The Living. [to Tim Editor Op The

"SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In connexion with the recent letters in the Spectator on phantasms, the following description of an apparition, not, indeed, of a living person, but of a......

[to Tier Editor Of The Spectator."] Sin,—the Experience...

correspondents reminds me of a tale related by the late Dr. Littledale of "the good old Roman Catholic Bishop Milner." "A lady came to him for spiritual counsel one day, and......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]

Srn,—The letters published recently in your columns con- cerning phantasms of the living encourage me to send you the account of a curious incident which occurred to me about a......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]

Srn,—May I be allowed to amplify " Locuplea' " argument against the theory that the phantasm of a person implies that person's immortality P As " Locuples " trustworthily......

The University Of London And Women's Suffrage.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Your readers will, I am sure, be interested to learn the result of the division on the motion introduced to Convocation of the......