20 MAY 1911, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Yon were good enough some time ago to publish a letter of mine with reference to the nesting boxes made from natural logs, which the Selborne Society introduced at the beginning of the year, and now that they have been put to the test I should be very glad indeed to have an opportunity of saying that they have proved most successful. In some cases correspondents (who number well over seven hundred) have had all the boxes which they have put up tenanted, and a special experiment made in the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary has resulted in possession being taken of all but one of the boxes concerned.

My Committee has arranged an exhibition of the boxes in the Science Section of the Coronation Exhibition, which opened on May 18th), and photographs of the boxes showing the nests within, and the birds sitting, will be published in the Country Homo for June.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Chairman of the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary Committee. 42 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C.