20 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 12

PARIS TN 1814.

Paris in 1814. Edited by Sir Henry A. Ogle, Bart. (A. Reid and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne.)-On August 29th, 1814, Dr. Roots started from Kingston-on-Thames, with his wife and two children, on a visit to Paris. He kept a journal, which has now been published. Perhaps the most interesting thing is the record of expenses. A chaise and pair to Dover cost 47 his., with 8s. 10d. for turnpikes. The bill at the 'Fountain,' Canterbury, for dinner, bed, and breakfast was 42 us. 6d. We see no entry of the fare on the 'Nymph,' Dover Packet; but coming back from Dieppe to Brighton cost 45 6s. Dr. Roots had to pay 13s. for being taken in a French rowing-boat to shore, the 'Nymph' having missed the tide, and 6s. more to "French rascals "-he fairly loses his temper over the affair-for carrying them from the rowing- boat to the shore. From Calais to Paris cost 415. The French inns were less costly than the English. Dinner, bed, and breakfast, with a bottle of claret and a bottle of champagne (both highly praised), cost 41 10s. 10d. at Chantilly. Board and lodging in Paris for a fortnight came to about 424; a fiaere at their disposal for this time was charged 45 8e. Altogether, Dr. Roots paid about 4140 for his three weeks; but then he did not economise. There are various experiences worthy of notice. The King was elaborately polite to all English people ; civility was common, but the soldiers were rude. At Calais the travellers found the place where Louis XVIII. had first set his foot cut out in the stone; the children were made to put their feet into it, and the townspeople were not pleased; but Dr. Roots pacified them by an elaborate courtesy. It is amusing to find him complaining "Clay, the print-seller on Ludgate Hill,

caught me eagerly by the hand in London he would have shot himself before he would have attempted to shake hands?' There are some characteristic illustrations. Among them is a "bonnet worn at the French opera." The matinee hat of 1909 is nothing to it. As far as we can calculate, it is between three and four feet high.