20 OCTOBER 1923, Page 1

We will take, first, the speech of Sir William Joynson-

Hicks. He said that, ultimately, he looked to the Dominions for a great increase of trade, but that could not come at once, and in the meantime work must be found at home. The Government were determined upon a large campaign of road and bridge construction. Upon this the, Government were prepared to spend some 16i millions. The new expenditure would'bring the total amount spent on roads since the War up to something like £40,000,000. Much road work would be done in the London area, in Essex, in Hertfordshire, and on the south side of the river. The London-Hastings road would be completed. A new road was being driven from Glasgow to Edinburgh, and he hoped that, before long, a new road between Liverpool and Manchester would be started. Among the new bridges, one of the most important would be that over the River Dee at Queensferry. It would be possible to place orders with the British steel trade to the value of between 2 and 2} million pounds.