20 OCTOBER 1923, page 3

The Labour Party's National Executive Are Expressing...

the whole question in a pamphlet. Their recommendation is . roughly that the conditions of panel practice should be improved from the patient's point of view, and that a free......

The Situation In Palestine Shows Little Promise Of...

High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, is still making efforts to induce the Arab popula- tion to take part in the government of their country. It will be remembered that the......

There Seems To Be Real Danger That The Dispute Between

the Ministry of Health and the doctors may lead to a deadlock and a wholesale resignation of doctors from the panel. It will be remembered that the Minister of Health has......

The Result Of The Crisis May Be Said-to Have Been

a triumph for II Duce, but a triumph which he had to buy at a considerable cost. Although he had his way against the extremists at almost every point at issue, yet he had to......

A Really Fine And Imaginative Idea Was Put Into Practice

when the Fell and Rock Climbing Club handed over the title deeds of some of the most beautiful mountains in the Lake District to the National Trust. The gift represents the......

Canada, In The Person Of Two Anonymous Donors, Has Made

a generous gift to the British nation. No. 10 St. James's Square, which has been in turn the house of Chatham, Derby, and Mr. Gladstone, has been presented to the British......

Congratulations Are Due To Everyone Concerned On The...

the new broadcasting licensing scheme. When the scheme was put into operation it was computed that there were 200,000 unlicensed " listeners." Already, in answer to the......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.

July 5, 1923 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 10211: Thursday week, 102{ ; a year ago, 100f.......