20 OCTOBER 1923, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Srit,—May I be permitted to draw the attention of your readers who drive up and down Reigate Hill, and also those who enjoy the beautiful country walks along our Surrey Hills, to the effort the Reigate and Redhill Open Spaces, &c.,Preser- vation Society are making .to save for the public the site of the old fort, and part of the lovely beech wood, about 21 acres in all, on the top of Reigate Hill, between Colley Hill and the suspension bridge ? It has been bought in the open market at the lowest price obtainable, the deposit of £250 has been paid, and the balance of £2,250 must be found by November 5th to complete the purchase. If the money is not subscribed there will be no alternative but to re-sell the property. I would appeal to your readers for their very generous support. If the amount received is insufficient to carry the matter through, any subscriptions received will be returned in full. If, on the other hand, we are able to complete the purchase, it is proposed to make over the property to the National Trust for the enjoyment of the public now and for ever. Contributions should be sent to the Treasurer .of the Reigate Hill Preservation Fund, Mr. W. C. Day, at the Westminster Bank, Reigate.—I am, Sir, &c.,