20 OCTOBER 1923, Page 2

It seems quite possible that Fascismo is passing through its

most important crisis since the passing of the electoral law. The Grand Fascist Council met on October 12th. At it the dispute in which Signor Mussolini supported Signor Massimo Rocca against the Executive Committee of the Fascist Party, and which led to the Committee's resignation, was revived. It looks indeed, as if this dispute is becoming a test case between the intransigent members of the party, who feel that the only part of the Fascist task which has not yet been accomplished is a complete division of the spoils, and Signor Mussolini and his supporters, who feel that the Fascist task of reconstruction is only now beginning. Already it seems that Signor Mussolini has definitely declared for reconstruction, and that he is determined to break the Fascist tyranny in the . provinces and gradually to get back to constitutional rule. Two striking symptoms of this have been his negotiations with the General Labour Federation, which is the representa- tive of the Italian trades union and guild movement, and his efforts to get the militia under his personal control. The negotiations with. Labour are a particu- larly hopeful sign, for they point to his independence of the interests of " big business," and his determination to lead Italy along the road of social reconstruction,