20 SEPTEMBER 1879, Page 1

The correspondent of the Standard, telegraphing from All Kheyl in

the Peiwar Pass on Thursday sevening, announces that a terrible outbreak has occurred at Herat,—probably on Monday, the last day of Ramazan, but the date is not given ;—that the troops have mutinied, and that the civil and military authorities have been murdered. , This news, which is confirmed by a telegram to the Daity News, means, of course, that universal anarchy is commencing in Afghanistan, and may greatly increase the area of our troubles. The event does not matter in the least to Great Britain, unless the revolted troops march on Can- dahar ; but a strong party in India and at home will demand the occupation of Herat, lest Russia, acting through Persian troops, should "restore order" there. Such an occupation would require an army of 15,000 men, with 10,000 more to protect the communication with India. The difficulty of making peace after we !each Cabul is, of course, immensely increased by every such rising, as it diminishes the chance of any Government being formed capable of a Treaty.