20 SEPTEMBER 1879, page 2

The Two Sons Of The Prince Of Wales, Failing Whom

the Crown would again devolve upon a female sovereign, again a Vic- toria, started on Thursday from Portsmouth, in the Bac- chante,' on a cruise round the world. It is......

Accounts Of The Tragedy On September 3rd Are Flowing In

on the Indian Government. The most minute comes from Timm., a sower of the Guides, who escaped the massacre. Karim Khan, in command of the mutineers, having only arrested him.......

Lord Beaconsfield's Coolness Has Certainly Not Deserted...

been announced for some days that he would speak at' Aylesbury on Thursday, and diplomatists, politicians, reporters, and indeed, the whole world, was on the qui, vim. It......

Some Attention Has Been Given To A Statement-that Since The

murder of Sir Louis Cavaguari, " Sciudiah has been visiting' Hollow," the suggestion being that the Marhatta chiefs may . take the opportunity to throw off British control.. The......

Prince Bismarck Has Really Arranged To Go To Vienna—it Is

be- lieved, on Saturday—for a long conference with Count Andrassy and his successor, Baron Haymerle. It is noted that this journey is settled after the meeting of the German and......

The Contest Between Conservatives And Liberals In The...

Elgin, for the seat vacated by the elevation of Lord Macduff to the Peerage, which has excited great interest in Scotland, has ended in a decided victory for the latter. A very......

Nothing Like An Authoritative Or Trustworthy Account Of...

Afghanistan has yet been published, but after collat- ing the official and independent stories, we believe the following to be near the truth. Yakoob Khan found Cavagnari much......

We Have Stated Elsewhere What We Believe To Be The

present position of the Home-rule agitation, but may' add here that Mr. Shaw, the nominal leader of the party, repu- diates the calling of a National Convention to consider the......