21 JANUARY 1882, Page 2

" 0. K." writes to the nixes to exonerate the

Russian Government from the charge of neglecting to protect the Jews,- who, she intimates, are in the position in which the Chinese would be in England, if they were two millions, and began to monopo- lise wealth. The Government, she says, cannot anticipate riot everywhere ; and General Drenteln not only did punish rioters- in Kieff, but ordered the soldiers to fire upon the crowd. We believe the Russian Government not only acts, but acts with great severity, against the anti-Jewish rioters ; but it moves too slowly, and fails at a particular point. It always allows its subordinates a great deal too much independ- ence, and does not, when they sympathise with the pre- judices of the mob, punish them with sufficient promptitude for failure of duty. The sharp dismissal of great officials for allowing disorder to flourish for even a few hours would do more to restore order than any number of proclamations. The policy of an autocratic Government should always be that order must be maintained,—everywhere, and at all times. The-mob which begins with attacking the Jews will soon attack the rich generally, and from the rich to the officials the step is short.