21 JANUARY 1905, Page 1

T HE event of the week is the resignation of M.

Combes. It was evident after the election by secret ballot of a hostile President of the Chamber that the French Govern- ment needed a vote of confidence, and on Friday week the Premier took the opportunity of an interpellation on his general policy to demand one. He obtained it after two days' debate, on the second of which the Chamber sat for more than ten hours, but only by a majority of ten, eight of whom were Ministers. He therefore resolved to resign, and carried out the resolution on Wednesday, the delay being caused by a necessary journey of President Loubet to attend the funeral of his mother at Montelimar. Certain formalities, such as consultation with the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate, always precede in France the appointment of a new Cabinet, and the list los not been published in time for this issue. It seems to be understood, how- ever, that M. Rouvier will be the new Premier, that M. Delcasse will remain at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and M. Berteaux at the War Ministry, and that the programme of the Goternment will remain nearly un- changed. It is evident, however, that there will be a change of tone, and that, as we have argued elsewhere, the over- throw of M. Combes, though not exactly a victorY for the Nationalists, will give pt least a degree of new energy to the combination of partiesihostile or indifferent to the demo- cratic Republic. The iountry meanwhile remains quiet, and apparently unaffected.