21 JANUARY 1905, page 13

Sra, — If , In Your Opinion, The Circumstances Of The...

it, I take leave to hope that you will authorise the publication in your columns of the following open letter.— I am, Sir, &c., C. E. LIIARD. " SOCIETY OF MINIATURE RIFLE CLUBS.......

Drab Sin On Madam, —will It Be Your Pleasure To Endow

this Society, marking half your endowment for Men's Rifle Clubs, and half for School Rifle Clubs, or, alternatively, the whole of it for the last named ? There is much to be......

The Pound Near The Church, Where The Wages Were Determined

by the number of children the man had, not by his age - or capacity for work. An unmarried man with no family received the lowest wage per week,—I dare hardly write it, but,......

Sib,—in "essays And Mock-essays," A Volume Consisting...

to the Journal of Education, the first two lines of the epigram on Blayds, which we now know to have been written by Bartlett, are thus given :- " 0 scholar running fast to......

Snar'"sydlley Smith Sets Out The Duty Of A Statesman To

be : "To reconcile principles to circumstances, and to be no wiser than the times will permit." Mr. Balfour's attitude is perhaps more correctly described by Sydney Smith than......

I Am, Sir, &c., H. N. Robson. County And Castle

Club, Ventnor, I.W. NAPOLEONIC STUDIES.......

Sir; I Need Trouble You With But Few Remarks On

Mr. Temperley's interesting letter in your last issue respecting the means by which Canning gained the important news from Tilsit in 1807. It is evident from Mr. Temperley's......