21 JUNE 1963, Page 3

Portrait of the Week-

ilIF FACE THAT LAUNCHED two dozen abstentions: Miss Keeler, carving herself a feW- lines in the history books and adding a few noughts to her bank balance, clearly has become second only to Nell Gwynn in the long line of British lights of love. Films, memoirs, a personal manager (sacked) are just three of the current trimmings of promis- cuity: a night-club owner's offer of £60,000 for twelve weeks had to be withdrawn when other performers in the cabaret insisted on knowing what Miss Keeler could do for such money that they couldn't


Moat: SERIOUS than this squalid underworld were the twenty-seven Tory backbenchers who con- demned Mr. Macmillan by their silence. The Prune Minister, after a birching and a wigging in the Profumo debate, was expected to read the writing on the wall : his only hope of survival was that the five main challengers for the throne would knock each other out But Mr. Maudling dis- creetly let it be known that he was not dawdling In wanting to succeed. Not crawling either is the Labour Party, which according to the Gallup Poll In the gaily Telegraph, has inched its way into a record lead of 20+ points. Mr. Eddowes, the s°, hcitor who burst on to the front pages with claims of Keeler and West German rockets, rushed to America, all of a sudden. Lord Hailsharn exploded on TV, visited the North East for half 4 day, was denounced as a 'lying humbug' by Labour in the Commons, and went into hospital. The security services received a massive amount of criticism, but to prove they're still doing a grand ..,,toh of guarding our secrets this week. an Oxford ."?ry undergraduate was refused permission to loin the University OTC, because his mother was born in Moscow. Meanwhile Mr. Profumo is to be interviewed by the police, and there is talk of his being censured by the House of Commons.

'IF YOU WERE the only girl in the void', Valery Bykovsky might have sung this week : but the first woman in space, Miss Valya Tereshkova. was too far away for any harmonising on 'a spaceship built for two'. Mr. Bykovsky broke all records for space endurance and seemed fit enough to stay up for a week, Miss Tereshkova stayed up longer than any American but had to be brought down in time for the World Congress of Women in Moscow next week. This was a week for resig- nations: of Bengurion, a resignation-prone Politician, of Sr Nenni in Italy, of two of Mr. Nehru's Cabinet, of the head of the I.L.O. in Geneva, of many members of the Royal Phil- harmonic Orchestra, with rumours that Sir Malcolm Sargent was joining their exit. With resignation the French Assembly ratified the Franco-German treaty, which General de Gaulle described as a 'great event in the history of the free world'. Mr. Wilson returned from Moscow, with the news that Russia wants a £100 million oil refinery from Britain, and a New York news- Paper claimed this proved Mr. Wilson's Govern- ment will be 'shocking pink'. Israel broke off con- tact with the EEC, which came as a great surprise because since January it had been forgotten that ttuY other country had ever been negotiating with the Six.

Ltuto BEAN/East:ow( quietly married a woman thirty years his younger: this scoop the Daily Press very oddly missed. Among sporting high- lights of the week Cassius Clay did beat Henry that in the fifth round as promised, a victory h ?„.a.t won Clay hardly a single admirer : and the `r1 ddlesex innings against Kent was declared com- pleted by the umpires when the whole team failed to turn up at the start of play. New regulations are to be enforced to cut down big noises on the roads, and Mr. Marples may give fewer Press con- ferences.