21 JUNE 1963, page 17

Wents' Privilege

`� Mr, Pedley, in his article, Parents' Privilege, of 'tte Spectator of June 14, contrasts the failure h tW enty-nine Labour Councils to adopt the two- va mPrehensive system of......

German Farmers

SIR,—I fear that Miss Sarah_ Gainham's kindly- meant attempt to correct me, or put me in my place, is not easily met by the autobiographical facts. I was born in 1902, so i......

Britain And South Africa

SIR,—The Spectator is courageous in demanding that Britain should scrap its ambiguous policy towards South Africa and consider sanctions. If any of your readers would like to......

I Imothy Birdsall In Lothy Birdsall Had Died, At The Age Of

twenty- seve n. followed knew him only through his work, which I have 'allowed with tremendous enjoyment since t first came across it in the Varsity weekly, at Cambridge, some......

Maelnnes's Stimulating Article 'the New British' Had One...

that a host of my c ompatriots would draw attention to it, I did not write last week. The absence of such a letter this Week shows that they are all as lazy as myself. Despite......

• S Ak.-1 Am Sure Many Will Join Me In Offering,

through you my thanks for all Timothy Birdsall gave to us .7 . nd I feel I must take this opportunity of stressing ibeenan ardent follower of his work in the short . = I ry he......

Sta,—may I Refer To Mr. S. B. Page's Letter On

my piece about our immigrants, in which he rebuked me for 'the prejudice shown in its title: The New British.' As many of your readers may not know, but as you Sir, and all your......

Lloyd George Sig,—lloyd George Himself Bore A Few If Any

resent- ments. But his critics, both in the Liberal Party and outside, pursued him with extraordinary venom. That this phenomenon still persists appeared from the article in......