21 MARCH 1891, Page 22


We have received the annual issue of the Expositor, edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, M.A. (Hodder and Stoughton). We may mention that it is the second volume of the fourth series. The first paper in the volume is a happy specimen. It is a Very valuable contribution to New Testament criticism. The title is "Saint Paul at Ephesus," and is the work of Professor W. M. Ramsay. Professor Beet continues his paper on "New Testament Teaching on the Future Punishment of Sin." Canon R. T. Smith writes on "The Old Testament and Our Lord's Authority." "We need wait no further information to be sure that our Lord is not pledged to any belief which the Old Testament criticism of the day calls in question." Professor H. Milligan contributes three papers on "The Resurrection of the Dead," Mr. Arthur W. Hutton writes in three articles his "Personal Reminiscences of Cardinal Newman," and the Rev. A. Plummer continues his " Recollections of Dr. Dollinger."