21 MARCH 1891, page 15

A Colony Of Rooks.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE SpECTA.TOR."] Silt,—Last year you were good enough to publish some letters • of mine on the above subject, which, judging from the number of questions I......


THE DARLING OF THE YEAR. APRIL, young April, Ever fresh and dear, Sweet sixteen" among the months, Darling of the year ! Ere your smile can flash and die, Lo a tear o'ertakee it......

Charles Marrio Tt.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR."] SIR,—I have a letter written to me just forty years ago by Charles Marriott which gives a further and characteristic illustration of what......


FOUR EXHIBITIONS. FEW artists have a talent that is indifferently applicable; the master of one order of effect or character will be a little child when he attempts another;......