21 MARCH 1903, Page 24

Clare College Letters and Documents. By J. R. Wardale, (Macmillan

and Co. 5s. net.)—These documents refer, for the rno,.. part, to the seventeenth century, and throw, not unfrequently,., curious light on matters academical. There are, for instance, tt: repeated efforts to secure the election of Fellows and Scholars °- other grounds, it may be presumed, than competence. Al!t bishop Tillotson was a frequent suitor for such favours. 14'511'1 we find two Bishops, Ely (thinning) and Salisbury (Seth WWI combining to push a candidate at the request of their brother Bishop of Chester (Pearson). Bishop Gunning makes two other requests of the same kind. Elsewhere we find the Vice-Chan- cellor giving some one leave to beg for money to ransom his son from the Turks. He raised .81 17s. In 1656 the undergraduates protest against the College fare. The rolls, they complain, were small (although the price of corn had fallen), the beer was very thin (tenuem admodum), the meat tasteless, high, and badly cooked. They beg that the baker, butcher, and creatures of that sort (huiustnodi homuncionex) may be hindered from imposing on them.