21 MARCH 1903, page 25

In The Series Of " Tudor Translations," Edited By W.

E. Henley (David Nutt, 6 vols., .84 10s.), we have The English Bible : Translated out of the Original Tongues by the Commandment of King James I. Vol. I., Genesis to Joshua. The......

Thew Enrrions.—in The " Biographical Edition Of The Works Of

Charles Dickens" (Chapman and Hall, 3s. 6d. per vol.), we have received Vols. XIII. and XIV.,Little Dorrit and Christmas Stories. As to Little Dorrit, one reads with some......

The Stock Exchange Official Intelligence For 1903. Vol....

by the Secretary of the Share and Loan Department. (Spottiswoode and Co. 50s.)—This huge volume, which shows a not inconsiderable increase over its predecessor of 1902, is......

Clare College Letters And Documents. By J. R. Wardale,...

and Co. 5s. net.)—These documents refer, for the rno , .. part, to the seventeenth century, and throw, not unfrequently , . , curious light on matters academical. There are, for......

Anclreapolis : Being Writings In Praise Of St. Andrews....

and Edited by Professor Knight. (D. Douglas. 3s. net.)—Pro- fessor Knight, after an introduction from his own pen, gives us Sir A. Geikie's brief account of the prehistoric......

Some Results Of Boarding - Out Poor Law Children. By The...

W. P. Trevelyan. (P. S. King and Son. 2s. net.)—Mr. Trevelyan tells in the plainest and simplest fashion the results of the boarding-out system as it has been worked, largely......

What I Saw At Bethesda. By C. Sheridan Jones. (brimley

Johnson. ls. net.)—This pamphlet contains a statement of the miarrymen's case in the great Bethesda dispute. It is not within our province to pronounce an opinion. It is enough......