21 MARCH 1903, Page 25

Some Results of Boarding - out Poor Law Children. By the Rev.

W. P. Trevelyan. (P. S. King and Son. 2s. net.)—Mr. Trevelyan tells in the plainest and simplest fashion the results of the boarding-out system as it has been worked, largely under his personal supervision, for thirty-odd years past at Calverton, in Bucks. He gives particular cases ; he has many successes to relate; he does not hide the failures. But the failures are few, far fewer, certainly, than there would have been had the children been kept in the Union, and sent out thence to situations. The weak-minded are, of course, the difficulty in this, as they are in every system. One can only say that even they have a better chance in the family life to which they are thus introduced than they would have otherwise. One of the most striking things in the book is the evidence of the benefit to the foster-parents, shown time after time in the disinterested affection to their charges which is often developed in them. Long after the actual relation has ceased the affection remains. Sometimes tr.-. -ls--shown at the cost of no little self-sacrifice. Mr. Trevelyan remembers only one case of really bad treatment by foster-parents.