21 MARCH 1908, Page 17


130 TUB EDITOR OF TUB BP ECTATOR:'1 Sin,—May a mere Irishman inquire at the founts of Imperial wisdom in any quarter why it is lawful to create public "lazzaroni" with public taxation in Ireland, but foolish and wasteful in England? Mr. Ramsay Macdonald wants to set up Congested Districts Boards throughout England to support and encourage Socialist pauperism at the public cost, and you all cry out on him. But you have the same Boards, only with a clerical complexion, in Ireland, not only distributing " work " at public wages among the joyous. branches of the League, but boatbuilding, housebuilding, estate-redistributing to the tune of millions sterling of public money, and you are overjoyed. Nay, Mr. Birrell is going to make the estate distribution compulsory ! Why check Weary