21 MARCH 1908, page 18

How The Unemployed Live.

[To TEE EDITOR OF TES "SPECTATOH.'l Six, Your excellent letter No. XI. "to a working man" has recalled to my mind a curious example of the confusion which exists as a result of......


[To THR EDITOR or THE "SPROTATOIS,..1 SIR,—In your issue of March 7th you insert a letter from a correspondent on " Squirrels and Cocoanuts " which recalls to Me an experience......

The Daylight Bill. [to Rag Esrros Of Thz "srscraros."1

Bra,—I thank you for again drawing attention in your last issue to my proposal that the hours of day shall be so arranged that during a period equivalent to one day of our......

A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sia,—The following extract is from your review of William Clarke's writings in the Spectator of February 15th :—" He asks : What can be......

Xii. — The Old Poor Law.

DEAR MR. I want to draw your attention to a fact too often forgotten. It is that we have tried, and tried very thoroughly, a system of State Socialism in England, and that it......