21 MAY 1932, Page 32


T must congratulate the directors of the Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Company upon the satisfactory character of the recent Report, having regard to the difficulties of the year. All departments contribute something to the Profit and Loss account, and interest earnings; botharnings, 3th gross and

i net, were higher. The new business in the Life department amounted to more than £2,000,000; while after writing down all securities to December 31st values, and using the same stringent valuation basis as on the last occasion, the result of the quinquenniaiinvestigation is the exhibition of a surplus of £229,020, thus permitting a bonus of 28s. per cent. per annum in the Ordinary Participating Branch, and 29s. in the Abstainers' section. The Fire department yielded a profit of £11,596 and the Accident department £14,059, while Employers Liability gave a profit of £2,184. A sum of £150,000 was brought into Profit and Loss from the General Reserve Fund lint on the other hand £100,000 was transferred to Investment Fluctuation account and £125,000 to Exchange Reserve Fund. After payment of final dividends making 20 per cent, on the Ordinary shares £44,086 is carried for.vard as against £68,681 a year ago.