21 MAY 1954, Page 14


S1R,—Your book reviewers are still at it. The archetypal Adult Education Lecturer is being potted at again, this time in a sort of in-off shot by Mr. Monteith, who writes of "the accents, faint but unmistakable, of the adult education lecturer; the tendency to he face- tious, to labour the obvious, to evade the more complicated refinements as too difficult for untrained intellects."

It does not matter very much; but the joke is by now a hit thin. Gentlemen with trained intellects can usually find something to be superior about, but it is still not true that adult education and its tutors are as second- rate as the myth suggests. I wrote to you about this before; but will you allow me the space to repeat it, before the next of your contributors commits this flippant injustice / —Yours faithfully,