21 MAY 1954, page 7

Light From Asia ?

0 NE fact emerges quite clearly from the still scattered and unco-ordinated talks and negotiations about Indo-China, and that is that the British Foreign Secretary is deeply......

Rocus Pocus

The two service attaches who have just been recalled, at the request of the Foreign Office, from the Soviet Embassy in London seem to have employed exactly the same ham-fisted......

A Spectator's Notebook

S ECRET intelligence organisations are difficult things to run. Behind a thick veil of secrecy inter-departmental feuds and jealousies luxuriate, duties overlap, conflicting......

In Aid Of What ?

The World Veterans Federation says that its " main aims are support of the United Nations and aid to disabled veterans." The 114 veterans' associations from 22 nations which are......

The Reason Why

I speculated last week' about the contents If the letter in which Mr. Bevan explained to the Beaconsfield magistrates his reasons for failing to stop after his recent collision......

A Cure For The Jitters ?

This week the Swedish Government published a booklet about the hydrogen bomb in which extravagant rumours about its destructive powers are put into some sort of perspective.......