21 MAY 1965, Page 7

20th Century

Spring is a little late-this year for the first quarterly issue of the 201h Century under its new

owners. It is very welcome. The current issue is entirely devoted to Class. The names alone of its contributors are proof enough that the highest standards of writing are being maintained. It is a criticism of the single theme approach and not of the writers to say that one wearies of the whole subject long before one has ploughed to the last of the score of essays. Like the hoary jest about 'the Frenchman who replied 'Sex' to every question inviting him to say what different objects and phrases reminded him of, the single- mindedness of the single theme induces claustro- phobia. 1 notice with some despair that 'the theme of the next issue will be Pornography. In this issue we will also introduce a new feature of particular interest to the universities.' Some- times too the sheer inevitability of the conforming views of the non-conformists makes me at last want to hay like a wolf. Still, I suppose the writing comes first and so I recommend the new venture. Take it in small doses.