21 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 3

Last week we exposed some of the false statements of

the Times and its correspondents relative to the Bristol dinner, and the reception of Lord John Russell by the wealthy Bristolians. We have now to add, that the statement respecting Mr. J. G. Smith, the Chairman at the dinner, being an Unitarian, is also false. Mr. Smith has written to the Times, stating that he is not nor ever was an Unitarian. He also says that Mr. G. E. Sanders, " the seed-shop keeper," (whom he de- scribes as "a gentleman in mind, manners, and habits of life,") bad not, after all, the honour of entertaining Lord John Russell ; for his Lordship did not set his foot in Mr. Sanders's house ! There never were equals of the Tories for telling circumstantial lies. The Tory constituents of Sir John Beckett, at Leeds, gave that gentleman a dinner on Wednesday. About 260 persons were present Sir John was, of course, the principal orator. His speech consisted of eulogy on Sir Robert Peel, expressions of regret for the breaking. up of his Administration, (by which Sir John lost his place,) and the threadbare abuse of O'Connell.

On Tuesday, three hundred members of the Essex Conservative Association dined together at an inn in Colchester; Sir G. H. Smyth in the chair. The only remark worth quoting was one by the Chair. man, which is rather amusing. He utterly repudiated the appellation of "Conservative"—it was too mild; for his part, he was a "rank Tory." Abuse of O'Connell was the main subject of the oratory at the "Three Cups." The Morning Post professes to feel peculiar de- light in reading reports of the dinner. speeches in Essex, a county preeminent for loyalty and attachment to the Church. What a 'pity it is that the Post did not indulge its readers with more than a half co- lumn report of all the bright sayings of its Essex patrons !

The Orange- Tory party in Birmingham held a "Protestant meeting" on Wednesday ; when the old topics were dilated upon by Sullivan and M'Ghee. The latter said that the Catholic religion inculcated "treachery, perjury, and profligate obscenity."