21 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 3

The river Thames for ten days past has had an

unusually bustling and lively appearance, in consequence of the arrival of a large fleet of vessels from St. Petersburg, Riga, and other ports in the Baltic. A sail of upwards of thirty arrived in one day ; and notwithstanding the crowded state of the Pool and the river generally, not a single accident happened.

The silver-headed staff belonging to the Merchant Tailors Corn. pally was thrown, it is supposed accidentally, from the Company's barge into the Thames, on Lord Mayor's Day. A reward has been offered for its recovery: it is worth about thirty sovereigns.

• On Monday night, there were appearances in the sky, which was cloudless, of the aurora borealis. The firemen belonging to the different Companies in the City were kept on the alert for many hours, fancying that there must be a large fire in the direction of Hampstead.

There have been fires at Mr. Joseph's stables, Foley Place, Mary- lebone ; at Mr. Currie's, in Oxford Street; Mr. Smith's, Husband Street, St. James's; Mr. Fitzgerald's, in Tooley Street, and Lord Middleton's, Montague Street, Portman Square. In no instance was the damage very serious.