21 NOVEMBER 1947, Page 15


Slit,—I am surprised that The Spectator—usually so well-informed— should, in the issue of November 14th, under the heading of Potato Rationing, suggest that ".the attacks on the Government in regard to potato rationing are largely spurious." The probability that the main potato crop would be short became a certainty in June. The Minister of Food took no steps—though warned by every practical authority—until late August. It was Mr. Strachey who gambled—not for the first time—in the people's food. Had the many steps practicable in June been taken, probably rationing would have been necessary but the ration would have been 4-5 lb. per head and not 3 lb.—Yours faithfully, Nyton, Aldingbourne, Nr. Chichester. C. WALEY COHEN.