21 NOVEMBER 1947, page 16

Railway-wagon Clearance

Sm,—Attention has been called to a paragraph under the heading, A Spectator's Notebook, in your issue of October 17th, in regard to the clearance of wagons at week-ends. May I......

Country Life

SEVERAL of our garrison in Germany have expressed an admiring wonder for the respect shown by an underfed community for the crops of apples grown along public highways, which......

In My Garden

Gardeners have enjoyed the ideal of a wind that piled the fallen leaves in convenient drifts. There is no ingredient in manure better than the leaf ; and though the oak and the......

A Sharp Spirant Sound

Sta,—What can there be about the apparently simple word " hiss " that makes it such a pitfall to writers—even, it seems, to writers of the calibre of Mr. Harold Nicolson ? The......

Garden Or Allotment ?

On the subject of barren ground, there are in my neighbourhood two sorts of property left to weeds and thorns and briars. One is a field bought for allotments ; the other some......

London's Lure

A feature of the autumnal season which the Londoner may enjoy in greater force than most countrymen is the arrival of the duck from the North and West. They are particularly......

A World Conference Of Christians?

Snt,—There is a growing concern at the barrenness of the United Nations conferences, and it looks as though the purely political approach to the world's vital problems is......

Women Film Critics

Sta,—Can anyone explain why most of the film critics are women and why they all dislike filrns?—Yours, etc., E. E. REYNOLDS. Salperton, Glos.......

Wintering Wasps

It seems to be a common experience that the number of queen wasps is abnormal is spite of the fewness of nests. Those who have scientifically studied the ways of this insect are......

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Sta,—Your correspondent, the Rev. E. Koch, states in his letter that Sir Norman Birkett is wrong in associating " Diadem " with "All Hail the Power of Jesu's Name." Whilst it is......