21 OCTOBER 1916, Page 2

The latest news from the Somme is again most encouraging.

At the beginning of the week we did little more than consume our normal portion by nibbling, taking of course the usual batches of prisoners, but towards the middle of the week our French Allies did ex- ceptionally well. On Wednesday north of the Somme the Germane, recognizing the enormous advantage that the French had obtained by the recent capture of the Sailly-Saillisel positions, made violent attempts to drive out our Allies. All the attacks failed, however, and the net result of the fighting was that the French were able to complete the conquest of Sailly-Saillise' 1 village, and to drive the enemy from the ridges north-west and north-east. This is an event of no little importance. It means that the French have now a firmer hold than ever on the Peronne-Bapaume road, and have the mastery over ground which the Germans held very dear. At the same time the French made very considerable local gains to the south of the Somme and took many prisoners.