21 OCTOBER 1916, page 1

Though We Refused To Be Frightened Because The Rumanians Had

to retire, as we retired at Mona and the Germans retired at the Marne, and though at the moment there seems very good reason to believe that the Germans are being held along the......

What Is Happening Unpleasantly For Us In Rumania, And What

is happening pleasantly for the Allies on the Somme, make one incline to think that when the war is over we shall have to offer a salute to the great gun. One of our largest......

News Of The Week.

D IMING the earlier part of the week the gloomiest fore- bodings were indulged in here as to Rumania. But what are the facts 1 Rumania, like other Powers in the course of the......

If, However, The Defenders Are Too Tenacious And In Places

too numerous—as the French and the British were in the first stages of the war—to be overwhelmed by the tiger spring, if they fight every inch of ground doggedly, refuse to be......

If, Therefore, We Were To Read Of Falkenhayn Getting Within

sight of Bucharest, we should not ask for smelling-salts I We venture to say, however, that he will not do anything of the kind. Our belief is that his push has reached its......

We Are Bound To Say That The Rumanian Situation, Even

when it was supposed to be at its worst, never gave us any serious uneasiness, and we are utterly at a loss to know why it should have caused so much alarm among serious......

The Mystery Of Kluck's Retirement Has Never Been...

All we really know is that something happened which forced him back, and that this something was in the last resort connected with what at the time we ventured to call military......

" A * The Editor Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
