22 DECEMBER 1832, Page 10


December 13, 1832. J. W. LUBBOCK, Es-q. V.P. and Treasurer in the Chair. Three papers were read: the -first, byf Sir J. South, on the Extensive Atmosphere of !liars; the second, on a Law comprehending the Phenomena of Magneto.olectric Action ; by the Rev. W. 'Ritchie.' Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of London and Royal Institution; and the third, giving an account of some remarkable Meteors seen on the 12th of November last from the Malvern Hills; by W. Addison, Esq., comninnicated by Dr. Maton, C. P. Cooper, Esq., was admitted a Fellow of the Society.

The.follownmpresents were received-Annals- of the Entomological Society

of France.-Abbarnal of the Teniperature of Air (with remarks) kept onboard-H.-M. Sloop .Jimeur, in a-Voyage from the Azores to Halifax, 1831; by-Capt. H.' E. Napier, Commander. At the meeting of the Society on Thursday the'20thi-F.•Bartv, Esq., V.P. in the Cliaim-Papers were red-1.,On the Secretion and Uses of the Bile; by -B. Phillips, Esq., 'communicated by Dr.'Maton, V.P:R.S,-2. On the Constitution-of Vapours and Permanent Gases ; by the Rev .Dr. Laidner, F. R.S. -3. A paper by Mr:Faraday, being:a sequel to higInvettigations on the Sub.

ject Eleetrieity, was announced.

A Bronze Bust of the late Baron. Cuvier, By M: David, presented by-him to the- Sodety, was•laid:unon the table, alfd.thatiks were specially-voted to him. • The Society then- adjourned its meetings over the: Christmas Holydays, to 'Thursday, January. 10th, 1833..