22 FEBRUARY 1930, Page 20

CAPITAL - PUNISHMENT - [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] -

you permit me to announce that February 28th has been fixed as the last date for.receiving signatUres for the petition against capital punishment, and all forms of petition, whether complete or otheriise, should be returned to the Secretary, National Council 'for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Parliament-Maiisions, Victoria Street, London; S.W.1, on or before that date. Blank forms for the collection of further signatures before February 2Sth will be sent free on application. .1gore than foUr times as many signatures have already been received as for any ether. petition previouSly organized against 'capital punishment, and the petition will be presented tO. Parliament as soon after February 28th as possible as an indication of changing public opinion.—I_am, N.C.A.D.P., Parliament Mansions, Secretaiir. . .

Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.