22 FEBRUARY 1930, page 12

Goodbye To What ?

M R. ROBERT GRAVES has said his good-bye to all -that, and so have others who found their early maturity in the War years. But what does this gesture of farewell signify ? What......

Primroses And Violets

T HE silence of winter still reigns in the woodlands, but Spring will soon throw her green veil over the naked boughs, clear beams of sunlight fall on the branches and • the......

The Cinema

AT the Embassy Theatre in New York- only news-reels are shown, and I am told that the theatre is crowded from early morning until midnight. The standard- price of = admission is......

Capital Punishment

Essay Competition THE Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider the question of Capital Punish- ment has been meeting weekly since the end of January. In......