22 FEBRUARY 1930, Page 38


- At the seventh annual general meeting of Power Securities Corporation, held last week, the Chairman, Mr. George Balfour, °J.P., had a very satisfactory statement of progress to make to the shareholders. As regards the figures in the accounts, the net profit showed just a trifling reduction, but the amount 'brought in was satisfactory, and after paying the Preference dividend and adding £20,000 to Reserve, the balance forward - of £46,294 is considerably larger than a year ago, while the ' company pays a dividend on the Ordinary shares at the rate of 7 per cent. Quite as important, however, as the profits earned and the dividend distributed is the good progress which has been achieved by the company in its general activities and usefulness. Large and important , contracts have been arranged, and the Chairman stated :that a certain portion of the company's work outside Great Britain was directly connected with supplying Empire needs.

A. W. K.