22 JANUARY 1916, Page 2

The German reply to Sir E. Grey's proposal that the

` Baralong'. case (together with the three Gorman acts of inhumanity at sea committed about the same time that the ` Baralong's ' crew are alleged to have murdered German seamen) should be submitted to a tribunal of American naval officers is a Sat refusal. Germany asserts that the passenger ship Arabic' was sunk because she seemed to be about to ram the German' submarine ; that the crew of the German destroyer who shelled the helpless British submarine stranded in Danish waters, and killed fourteen British seamen in the water, only acted in self-defence; and that in sinking the merchant man ' Rue? without warning Germany only applied those reprisals announced in February, 1915. In short, Germany has carefully observed international law and the principles

of humanity during the war, and is satisfied with the judgment of German tribunals on the whole subject ! Last Saturday the Reichstag debated the Baralong ' case in terms of the utmost fury. Reprisals for what is called " the cowardly murder " by the Baralong are promised, but no hint is given as to what form they will take.