22 JANUARY 1916, page 3

A Special Correspondent Of The Times Sent To Wednesday's...

an extraordinarily interesting account of Lord Montagu A special correspondent of the Times sent to Wednesday's paper an extraordinarily interesting account of Lord Montagu of......

On Thursday Week The Delegates Of The National Miners'...

unanimously decided to oppose the Military Service Bill. The delegates took this decision in virtue of their voting, which had gone as follows :—For the Bill, 38,100 ; against,......

The Times Correspondent In The Balkan Peninsula Said In...

paper that Germany had bestowed on Bulgaria all Macedonia recently in Serbian possession, including Monastir. Doiran, and Ghevgeli. The Austrians had been disputing about these......

In The House Of Lords On Thursday Week Lord Sydenharn

called attention to the huge exports of cocoa to neutral countries. Cocoa was not only a food ; it had military uses as well, and he could not understand why it had not been......

Sir Alfred Booth Sent A Letter Of Remarkable Good Sense

to the Times of Wednesday. The shipping figures, he says, mean that during the last three months sixty-seven merchant vessels were doing the work which was done formerly by a......

The Letters Which Von Papen Carried Are Entertaining. The...

Consul at New Orleans in a letter dated December 4th, 1915, remarked that von Papen was probably not sorry to "shako the dust of this unfriendly country from off your feet" ! "......

The German Reply To Sir E. Grey's Proposal That The

` Baralong' . case (together with the three Gorman acts of inhumanity at sea committed about the same time that the ` Baralong's ' crew are alleged to have murdered German......

The Mexican Question Has Been Raised Again In As Acute

a form as ever by the murder of seventeen Americans, who were dragged from a train and shot by officers of General army. The American State Department have informed General......

The Associated Press Of America Has Published The Chief...

of the correspondence seized at Falmouth on Captain von Papen, the German Military Attache at Washington, who had been given a safe-conduct to Germany. His cheque-book shows......

Speaking At Petrograd On Tuesday, Sir George Buchanan,...

Ambassador, gave examples of the efforts of German agents to sow distrust between Russia and Britain. According to the account in the Times, he said that a report had been......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 P.c. Aug.

8th, 1911.......