22 JANUARY 1937, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTA1'011.1 Sia,--Your readers may be interested to learn that Mr. D. W. Brogan, M.A., fellow and tutor of Corpus • Christi College, Oxford, and author of The American -Political System.- has kindly agreed to lead a Study Tour to the United States to examine on the spot some of the more constructive aspects of the New Deal during the next University vacation.

We hope that a party of sonic twenty-five University

teachers and students, journalists, and others especially interested in contemporary America, may be recruited for a Tour leaving England on the Queen Mary ' on March 17th and returning on the Normandie ' arriving Apri!4 19th. This party will be in America twenty-three days, and will go as far south as the Tennessee valley and as far west as Chicago. It will give particular attention to such aspects Of the Roosevelt Experiment as the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Subsistene3 Homestead Projects, &c. It is also hoped to give particular attention to the labour situation which is now so much in the centre of American news.

It is anticipated that the group will have the opportunity of meeting a number of the high officials responsible for the administration of this Experiment, and that they will also be able to meet, for purposes of discussion, a number of students and critics of the New Deal. It is also planned that dis- cussions should be arranged with the representatives of capital, of the Conservative American Federation of Labour and the Radical Committee of Industrial Organisation.

Unfortunately it is impossible to take the group over and back across 3,000 miles of ocean and over an itinerary of nearly 3,000 miles in the United States for less than Y.84 10s. We hope very much, however, that the novelty and value of such a first-hand examination of an experiment of such significance to a capitalist democracy like Britain will induce interested people to consider even such an expense. -Further .detaila and application forms can be obtained from this Director of Research and Discussion. The English-Speaking Union, 37 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London;