22 JANUARY 1937, page 18

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,--mr..r. K Harrod, In

his recent article in The Spectator on the Population Problem, suggests that people who will not be persuaded to have large families themselves should be given a sentimental......

The Population Problem

[To the Editor of TuE SrEer.vron.] SIR,-I find it difficult to understand Mr. Glass's letter criticising mine of last week. If, by the means I advocate, or by any other means,......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sra,—Mr. R. F. Harrod's solutions of the Population Problem include what he calls an `.` equalisation fund," wherein the rich man with no family shall be taxed, in the delusion......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin,—" Emigration would, of course, hasten a decline," says Dr. G. F. McCleary, when writing on the Population Problem in The Spectator of 'January 8th. I am not so sure......