22 JANUARY 1954, Page 12

Keeping Perch After keeping perch in a tank for nearly

three years I have discovered a number of things about their behaviour. There are times when even a predatory fish will tylt respond to movement and will look at ford with no interest. This usually happens when the water is at an abnormally high temperature or very cold indeed. There are c.ther times when they are ravenous—usually when the weather has become a little cooler. They will feed on certain things and fail to recognise others as edible, although they can be educated to take a particular diet of, say, wood-lice, or small slugs. Intensive feeding is followed by fasting, and, kept in a tank, three fish of about seven inches in length to two cubic feet of water, they change very little in size but appear to become a darker colour. My fish were lake perch, always less lively than fish from a river. At times they -.vitt feed from my fingers and at others be as nervous as a school of minnows.