22 MARCH 1924, Page 10

It is not often that one looks in the columns

of the New York American, Mr. Heart's widely-circulating journal, for praise of Great Britain, yet last month a leading article, entitled " Only One Nation Paying Debt to Us," appeared in that newspaper, and in it Great Britain was described as the only one of the Allies honour- able enough to pay her debts. Stay-at-home English- men, who criticize Mr. Baldwin's settlement of the American debt problem do not realize the immense amount of good the policy of paying-up has done. It is interesting to note that there are to-day on the average ten applicants for every Rhodes Scholarship in the United. States, a very different state of affairs com- pared with twelve years ago, when the competition for 48 Scholarships was apt to attract less than a hundred candidates in the entire United States. It is still too soon to estimate the full results of the Rhodes Scholarship scheme, but as the New York Times remarks, " in respect of attracting a fair number of American college men of the best class the Rhodes Scholarship has passed the experimental stage."