22 MARCH 1924, Page 15

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Allow me to join

with your many correspondents in expressing my gratitude to the Bishop of Norwich for his articles on this subject. There is, however, a special objection for the alteration of the Communion Office. Only recently have Parochial Councils been established on the basis of an electorate composed of Communicants. Can any Churchman, whateer his views may be, doubt that either of the alterations suggested at present will seriously reduce the number of electors ? And if so, is that in the interests of comprehensive- ness ? Is it quite fair to those who somewhat unwillingly accepted that particular sacrament as a test of Churchmanship rather than baptism ? Is it too late to hope that our Bishops will give time for further consideration ?—I am, Sir, &c.,